Whether you have stepped into this area on your own or stumbled in by mistake, you have arrived at Clockwork Angel. This is the fanlisting for the influential anime and manga series Tenshi Kinryouku, known in English as Angel Sanctuary written by Kaori Yuki listed at TAFL. Alexiel was an angel who waged war against God and she was punished by being imprisoned in a human body. Setsuna lives with horrific dreams and strange powers while the demons and angels try and awaken Alexiel inside him to continue the war against God. This series touches on the most socially and even morally taboo subjects one can conjure up in any culture. Having that said, please join if you find interest in this series!
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Last Update: November 25, 2024
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Clockwork Angel is an unofficial, non-profit fan project run by Cerine since 2023 - 2024. Angel Sanctuary illustrated by Kaori Yuki. Part of the Celestial Oracle Studio and The Amime Fanlistings Network.