
You have reached Beyond the Moon! This is a fanlisting for the relationship between Sailor Chibi Moon/Chibi Usa & Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi from the series Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon and is proudly listed at The Anime Fanlistings. Chibiusa is Usagi's future daughter who is able to travel through time. When Chibiusa returns to the past, she and Usagi often clashed in their opinions, but love each other more than anything in the world. They bicker like siblings, but in the end, Usagi looks out for Chibiusa just like a mother. Chibiusa gets to see that Usagi is not so different from her mother in the future, Neo-Queen Serenity, after all. Please join us if you love ship the mother-daughter relationship!

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Last Update: January 6, 2025
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