
Salutations visitor! You have stumbled upon Ab Aeterno, a fanlisting for one of my favorite manga series called MARS written by Soryo Fuyumi, proudly listed at TAFL. Mars is a fifteen-volume manga chronicling the story of Kashino Rei and Aso Kira, a couple in modern day Tokyo from very different backgrounds. Rei is a competition motorcylce racer with a sketchy history and bad reputation. Kira is a shy artist with few friends and less social skills. While the manga has its fair amount of stereotypes, what sets Mars apart from its contenders is the way the main couple is portrayed. Rei and Kira are individually appealing characters, and their qualities are only enhanced as they grow closer throughout the story. If you love this timeless manga or characters, we would love you to be a part of the fanlisting by joining us!

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Last Update: September 22, 2024
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