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You have wandered across Down the Abyss, a TAFL-listed subject for Ao no Exorcist (commonly referred to as Blue Exorcist). This story is about Okumura Rin, half demon and half human bone and a son to Saran, has inherited the demon powers of his father The Blue Flames. When Satan appears to take him to Gehenna, the kingdom of the demons, possessively taking the body of Shiro Fujimoto, who is named exorcist that alfinal dies protecting his son. Rin promises to become an exorcist to someday avenge Shiro and defeat Satan, so he must train hard, helped by his brother Yukio. Please take a look around and hopefully become a member yourself!

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Last Update: April 10, 2024
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Down the Abyss © by Cerine 2016 - 2024. Powered by Listing Admin. Ao no Exorcist illustrated by Kazue Kato.
Part of the Celestial Oracle Studio and The Anime Fanlistings Network.